The most recently published titles in the series are:
The SLAS/BLAR Book Series was an annual book series of the Bulletin of Latin American Research, published by Wiley-Blackwell in association the Society for Latin American Studies. This initiative was launched in 2007 with the aim of producing interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary work which addressed the interests of SLAS members. All SLAS members received a free copy of the books published in the series.
Some of the most ground-breaking research in Latin American and Caribbean Studies emerges from multidisciplinary and collaborative endeavors which bring together people, ideas and perspectives. The BLAR Book Series provided an ideal space in which that kind of innovative research was able to be published. The series built on the established international reputation of the Bulletin of Latin American Research which publishes primary research from a wide range of disciplines in Latin American Studies.
Publications in the BLAR Book Series:
set the agenda for new interdisciplinary of multidisciplinary research on Latin America and the Caribbean
combined current critical theory with original empirical research
led the field of innovative edited or multi-authored publications on pan-Latin American and Caribbean research.

by Par Kumaraswami March 2012
Aims and Scope
The Bulletin of Latin American Research (BLAR) publishes original research of current interest on Latin America, the Caribbean, inter-American relations and the Latin American Diaspora from all academic disciplines within the Social Sciences and Humanities. BLAR publishes individual original research articles, or Special Issues co-ordinated by a Guest Editor. BLAR also publishes a substantial section of book reviews, aiming to cover publications in English, Spanish and Portuguese. BLAR publishes 5 issues per year.
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Library or institutional subscription
Visit this page: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14709856, and on the middle righthand side of the window you will see the sentence 'subscribe to this journal'. Click on that link and follow the instructions.
Article Submission
BLAR editors welcome the submission of articles of 8,000 words or less. Details for authors are available at:
Dr Agustín Diz (2024-2026)
School of Social and Political Science, University of Leeds
Email: adiz@ed.ac.uk
Dr Francisco Eissa-Barroso (2022-2025)
School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, University of Manchester
Email: francisco.eissabarroso@manchester.ac.uk
Dr Rebecca Jarman (2024-2026)
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of Leeds
Email: r.s.e.jarman@leeds.ac.uk
Dr Juan Pablo Ferrero (2024-2027 - Coordinating Editor)
Politics, Languages & International Studies, University of Bath
Email: J.P.Ferrero@bath.ac.uk
Dr Penny Miles (2021-2024)
Politics, Languages & International Studies, University of Bath
Email: pm684@bath.ac.uk
Dr Ainhoa Montoya (2023-2024)
ILAS, School of Advanced Study, University of London
Email: ainhoa.montoya@london.ac.uk
Dr Silvia Posocco (2024-2026)
School of Social Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London
Email: s.posocco@bbk.ac.uk
Dr Ana Cristina Suzina (2022-2025)
Institute for Media and Creative Industries, Loughborough University
Email: A.Suzina@lboro.ac.uk