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Free subscription to the Bulletin of Latin American Research
Access to SLAS grants and funding schemes
Reduced rates on the Journal of Latin American Studies
Opportunity to present your research at our Annual Conference.
Promotional offers from publishers, including 20% discount on Wiley books.
A Twitter account (@SLASLatAm)
Wiley administers SLAS membership, which runs across a calendar year (not 1 year from when membership is purchased). For their online subscription page, please click here.
Equality and diversity
SLAS is strongly committed to equality and diversity and especially welcomes applications for membership from women, Indigenous persons/ethnic minorities, racialised persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, persons who are mature students or first generation university students, as well as from all persons with the skills and knowledge to contribute to the further diversification of ideas and productively engage with diverse communities in the field of Latin American Studies.
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PILAS is the postgraduate affiliate of the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS).
As an organisation run by and for postgraduate students, PILAS aims to foster interaction among postgraduates working in the field of Latin American Studies at institutions of higher education throughout the United Kingdom, as well as those in Europe and the Americas.
Encouraging cross-disciplinary dialogue, our organisation welcomes those working within a range of academic disciplines, as well as those undertaking multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches.
Our goal is to establish a supportive community for postgraduate students engaged in the study of Latin America and the Caribbean, both to facilitate communication among postgraduates and to provide a forum for students to exchange experiences, seek advice, and share their research.
To join PILAS, you will need to join SLAS first. Once you have done this all postgraduate members will automatically be members of PILAS as well.
LATAM-INFO is a mailing list for news and events concerning Latin American Studies. While independent of SLAS, it is a major means by which we disseminate news about events, publications, etc., alongside our Twitter account, @SLASLatAm.
To join the mailing list, please subscribe here.
For queries regarding the list, or to post to it, contact the administrator, Dr Rory Miller, rory@liverpool.ac.uk.
Photo: Jens Hentschke. Argentina.